AIWA 2024-2025 Board of Directors Election Results

June 17, 2024

It is with great pleasure that Armenian International Women’s Association announces the election results of the 2024-2025 Board of Directors.

The Board comprises of 12 members, each member running for a term of two years. Although the By-Laws do not limit the number of terms members on the Board can serve, they must run for office again after a two-year tenure.

This year, 5 seats were open with two incumbents, and 3 members stepping down.

The three members of the Board of Directors who stepped down from their titled positions to open doors for others are UNCSW Advisor Emma Arakelian; and Advisory Members, Seta Eskanian and Christine Soussa.
We value them highly and thank them for their earnest contributions to AIWA. All three served tirelessly above and beyond their official titles, and we wish them all the success in their future.

Twelve members of the Board serving the 2024-2025 year are in alphabetical order:

  • Sona Antonyan
  • Knarik Arkun
  • Zela Astarjian
  • Diane Cabraloff*
  • Nina M. Festekjian
  • Taline Festekjian
  • Silva Katchiguian
  • Armine Manukyan
  • Alice Petrossian
  • Arsine Phillips*
  • Ani Shenian Rostomyan
  • Tsoleen Sarian

*Asterisk: Incumbent serving another term. 

AIWA BOARD 2024-2025