Inesa Zohrabyan
Today, we feature Inesa Zohrabyan
Inesa Zohrabyan is a youth community leader within her village of Arteni in the Aragatsotn region of Armenia. As a member of the “Community Impact Club” since the age of 14, she has participated in eco-friendly community gardening projects and conducted student’s leadership training-workshops. At the same time, she focuses on self-improvement, as well as my personal growth. As a student of Teach for Armenia, she was inspired by her teacher who introduced Kids Education Revolution and encouraged her to participate in the KER Summit in India, as one of the Teach For Armenia’s student community representatives. Participating in this experience has been life changing as a result, Inesa is one of the eight (8) appointed Teach for All’s 2020 Student Leader Advisory Council.
A student at Yerevan State University, she aspires to become lawyer. She is active in other projects including ERASMUS projects and writes for www.17.am a network for young talents. She also volunteers with “Save the Children, Armenia” and “World Vision Armenia”.
Q: What is your life philosophy?
It’s so hard to find inner peace, harmony, but with efforts you can succeed. If your thoughts are in peace, when you are not overthinking, then you’re on the right way. At least this is true for myself. Sometimes we speak about learning and consider learning from people, peers, teachers, books. But why not learn from ourselves, our reflections, our experiences- good or bad. When I am my own critic then I feel excited, because there is something that pushes me to more, it’s called your own mess, because being in a mess is a search, and I have started to love and enjoy this, because life is rewarding you. The most important point is not to cheat yourself, be fair with yourself, I can say that it’s important in every case, in every situation of life.
Q: What is your hope for the future?
My hope for the future is a harmonic life, with the changes that I always dream to see. And that future belongs to each of us, if we are complaining about something that we care about. We should try to do something about it, maybe a little thing, but something that will show our efforts and big, big wish to see that change. When I’m thinking about my future I can’t think only about me, my education or career. It’s not about myself, I want to see a better place for everyone: peace, safety, equality, cleaner environment and then I can say that I’m happy. That’s my desire and I’ll do my best for this.
Q: What is your favorite thing about being Armenian?
I love the fact, the feeling of being Armenian. In this globalization processes it’s sometimes easy to find the bad things of being Armenian. People complain about the stereotypes, people’s thinking, issues that need fundamental solutions. But It’s also not hard to find the beautiful sides of this reality. I can say that one of my main identity is my nationality, and yes, I’m happy to have a hard working, eager, strong, struggling identity and it’s called Armenian. Even when you are born, live in a community and you face many problems based on gender stereotypes, traditions that limit the nice things about being Armenian are stronger, and we should think making them even stronger, and never give up. I’m more than sure that Armenians are living in “great present” and the future will be even brighter.
Do you know an amazing Armenian Woman to nominate for AIWA Thrive?