Emma Mesrobian
Today, we feature Emma Mesrobian, a dancer, Choreographer, Dance Educator.
Emma Mesrobian, is a dancer, choreographer and dance educator. She “creates stories through movements” and turns non-dancers into dancers.
Location: Glendale, California, United States
Occupation:Dancer, Choreographer, Dance Educator
“creating stories through movements”
July 28, 2021
With a bachelor’s degree in Dance and a Certified Ballroom instructor, teaching not only at her own studio, but as well as Cal Poly Pomona, educating and creating has always been in her blood. Coming from a multi-cultural background, and being a versatile dancer, this has allowed her to connect with her clients in a deeper and personal level.
“Being that I am a hopeless romantic, I knew that my gift would naturally crossover into bringing couples “Love” to the dance floor. Over the years, this passion of mine, has turned me into a niche-wedding choreographer. And very proud to have been picked as The Knots Best of 2019! And been featured in VoyageLA Magazine, Shahs of Sunset and many more.
But all that doesn’t matter for me as much as, igniting confidence and passion into my students and clients, through dance.
I truly have seen tremendous change in my clients and students when they take dance from the very first day. I know at first-hand, how hard and intimidating it can be to be in a dance class. You are fully vulnerable. And nothing is worse in this world than wanting to learn something and feeling intimidated and yet, no one wants to help you. I am a very compassionate teacher with a tough core value. And I believe because of that, I have been able to turn-non dancers into dancers.
Q: What is your life philosophy?
My Philosophy about life truly is and has always been “Everything that we do is a reflection of who we are”
Unfortunately, even sometimes the Good, the Bad, and the Ugly decisions we make. Yes, sometimes we don’t control what happens to us, but we do have the capability to learn from our mistakes, take accountability and make better choices. I am not a perfectionist, but I am very hard on myself. Therefore, I like to take accountability for my actions and learn from them instead of making excuses.
I learned this from a very young age. This comes from my classical trained dance background, having very strict dance teachers and my father being very tough on me. But I do think ultimately, it’s an innate personality.
But with that said, who would I be, if I hadn’t made any of my crazy, fun, silly, mistakes and learned from them? Keyword Learn and apply!
Q: What is your hope for the future?
My Hope for the future is, that we all truly live our fullest potential in the healthiest capacity. So that we can help each other and be happy for each other’s success. Because what is it all for if not to be here to support one another and pull each other up, regardless if we are not all cut from the same cloth.
Q: How has the Armenian culture shaped you?
It is true that we are the product of our environment.
From my mother’s womb through to kindergarten, school and then university, my whole world was filled with songs, poems, and stories about “Hayreniq” (motherland) and “Tseghaspanutyoun” (genocide).
As a lullaby my mother Lusik was singing “Krunk” while putting me to sleep. My father Ashot, who was also my geography and history teacher, was constantly telling me about the survival of the Armenian nation and the importance of keeping and passing on our culture, history, and traditions.
A pivotal moment for me was when I was 5 years old and given the role to play Sose Mayrik at a kindergarten fair. I remember taking my role very seriously and understanding the honour. At that age the current generation has icons like Spiderman, Batman or Captain Marvel. Sose Mayrik was my superhero and I wanted to be just like her serving and saving my people.
I am very lucky to have the opportunity to lead the Armenian community in South Australia. We may be a small community here, but we are a big family. In 2019 we established our Armenian Miniature Art Workshop and are currently working on our dance group and classes.
Like our ancestors we are working hard to keep the flame burning and shape our next generation.
Կանք, պիտի լինենք ու դեռ շատանանք!
Q: We called 2020 the year of the upheaval and awakening? What were your biggest upheavals and what did they teach you? What was your awakening(s) and what did it teach you?
Growing up there were two things I was always afraid of losing. My mom and dance! So, I never did anything to compromise or jeopardize the two things, I loved the most in the world.
I remember when I got the worst back injury leading to surgery at the height of my dance career. I thought to myself, what did I do that was so wrong, to deserve this?
And here we are during the pandemic, facing some crazy adversities, and the day after, Thanksgiving, I find out my Mom is diagnosed with stage 4 Lung Cancer. Healthy as a horse never had the flu in her life, or been mean to a single soul, again, I find myself wondering what did I/we do to deserve this? While we have serial killers living their best life!
When I was going through my back surgery, I remember I was also going through a breakup, a lot of my friends left, were not there to help and some family members abandoned me. I was so sad and broken to pieces. But let me tell you there were two people I wouldn’t let down, well 3! My mom, dance and me! This allowed me to learn and apply and come out stronger and build what now is a growing and thriving extension of my life.
That’s exactly how I feel about what is happening with my mom. I am the luckiest girl in the world. To be able to have the most unshakeable bond with her, to be in a country full of amazing doctors, resources, and healthy food options, educate myself and her to better her health even if we are fighting a dark demon.
This is preparing me to enjoy each moment each breath each body part, each living element in my surroundings, as much as I can. No matter what. I always have and I always will.
One of the things I have learned from this pandemic is that I am truly resilient. In fact, we all are. If we really want to be, we can. We can fight the biggest fight in our lives, not with rage, but with grace and strength. Just like dance!
Q: What is your favorite thing about being Armenian?
I remember when I first truly, truly came to grasp the idea of me being Armenian and what that actually is. I believe and I have heard, there is a moment, in everyone’s life when they realize and recognize where they actually come from. And here’s mine.
When I moved to America from Denmark, on my first day of school, an Armenian girl asked me what kind of Armenian are you? I thought that was kind of strange. I said, “I don’t know I will ask my mom and tell you tomorrow”. (hand to God, true story) I vividly remember coming home and asking my mom, “this girl wants to know what kind of Armenian am I”, and my mom told me, “you are Armenian”, you were born in Iran due to your ancestors and our history (which I already knew) but for some reason at that moment being asked by that girl was very poignant) I went back and told her. It was really funny, cause from there on out, I felt like I was re-baptized.
There are a lot of things I love about being Armenian. Being that it’s a very rich culture, filled with colorful elements, I can’t help but be drawn to the steps of its dancing and the rhythm of its music.
One of my favorite things, I love, which I hope it never goes away, is when you meet someone (no matter where you are in the world) even if you don’t exchange words, you know that person is Armenian. There’s this immediate underlying non-nonverbal communication, that you both understand from each other, due to the way you were both raised. It’s something you can’t really explain, just feel.
Armenian Culture has shaped and influenced me tremendously. When I moved here at a young age from Europe, I knew I was Armenian but the extent of it, I didn’t know. When I began dancing at an International Armenian Dance Company I learned the majority of my culture and the language from there.
Do you know an amazing Armenian Woman to nominate for AIWA Thrive?