Alexandra Narine Kaprielian
Today, we feature Alexandra Narine Kaprielian, Head of US Distribution for Takri Wines.
Location: New York, New York, United States
Occupation: Head of US Distribution for Takri Wines
Head of Product Development for Kaprielian Enterprises Inc
Founder of The Carbon Culture
Takri is a passion project for myself and my family. While my main business is jewelry, I love having the opportunity to work on such a meaningful trade that my family has historically been a part of.
Q: What is your life philosophy?
To always persevere.
Q: What is your hope for the future?
That Armenians can live in peace on our ancestral lands and be united and stronger than ever.
Q: What is your favorite thing about being Armenian?
I love our language, food, music and immense culture and that you always know that anywhere in the world if you meet an Armenian they will greet you with love.
Q: We called 2020 the year of the upheaval and awakening? What were your biggest upheavals and what did they teach you? What was your awakening(s) and what did it teach you?
The war in Artsakh was a true shock for me on many different levels. We lost our land where our vineyards are and we lost employees who bravely fought in the war which is even more traumatic than the loss of land. Our family had vineyards in 1915 which were also taken by the Turks during the genocide so it was very painful to see history repeating itself, but we also decided that we would not allow that to stop us from producing Armenian wine and we have already secured new lands to continue.
Do you know an amazing Armenian Woman to nominate for AIWA Thrive?