Affiliate Executive Committee

S. Danielle Galian
Affiliate Chair

Greta Doumanian-Harley
Affiliate Vice Chair

Charlotte Bader
Affiliate Treasurer/Secretary

Sonya Doumanian
Lifetime Executive Member/Founder

Ann Lousin
Lifetime Executive Member

Leona Mirza
Lifetime Executive Member
Affiliate History
AIWA Chicago was formally organized on October 27, 2012, when AIWA lifetime member Sonya Doumanian invited a group of professional women to her home and they formed an interim committee. Several of these women had attended AIWA’s 6th International Conference in San Francisco in 2011, and were motivated by the dynamic and talented panelists and speakers to form their own Affiliate. Members of the 2012 founding Executive Board of AIWA Chicago included Veronika Moroian (President), Tamar Vasoyan (Vice-President), Greta Doumanian-Harley (Secretary) and Sonya Doumanian (Advisor to the Board). AIWA Chicago has organized events featuring inspiring women in the arts, business, and education, and plans to continue holding events that celebrate the accomplishments of Armenian women.